2016 An Amazing Year!!

Well here we are coming to the end of another amazing year in the world of The Lighthouse Centre, and here we are feeling so blessed to have had some amazing people supporting us, so we are able to support others! We had a very successful cake auction all thanks to...

Kev Brown The Nordic Walker

Kevin Brown, contacted us via the website to enquire about doing a fundraising event for us, after he had followed us on Twitter and saw what it is we do and what a huge impact we make on the community. Kev is a teacher by profession but due to an injury he has had to...

Touched By Angels

So life in the slow lane has continued very much so here for me. The visitors, messages and flowers have been absolutely amazing I really am blessed with such beautiful friends. Here comes the day of my first review with my GP. All my meds added onto my prescription,...

Touched By Angels

Well I have now just had my first night at home. Slept like an absolute baby, sleep is not something you get much of in hospital, from poorly patients, monitors bleeping, confused patients, to noisy nurses and uncomfortable beds. I was at least in my own bed. With the...

Touched By Angels

So I woke up on Day 4, new ward, not a bad nights sleep and I could open the window too. After breakfast and my morning meds I was allowed my first shower in 5 days, and wow did it feel good!! The luke warm water was so refreshing after feeling so poorly, although...