by Gemma Dearsley | Apr 3, 2015 | News
It’s the time of year when you are spending time with your family, friends eating lots of chocolate and generally enjoying yourselves. But what about those people among us, who don’t have family, or who are too poorly to enjoy this time, who spends time...
by Gemma Dearsley | Mar 20, 2015 | events, Fund Raising, News
Well, there we were drinking coffee and discussing our next marketing moves when the lovely Jules White in casual conversation pipes up with “Did you know we’re donating your marketing for another year………..” My rather stunned...
by Gemma Dearsley | Mar 13, 2015 | events, Fund Raising, News
Well the very lovely Sue Balcon held an open day raising fund for us on 11th March at her treatment room. A grand total of £35 was raised on this event, which is fantastic and even better Sue has decided she would like to do another one in the Summer! Thankyou very...
by Gemma Dearsley | Mar 6, 2015 | Fund Raising, News, Training
WOW, what a fun packed, busy weekend everyone but I had!!! The girls, Jan, Portia, Wendy and Niki all qualified in Indian Head Massage and Hopi Ear Candling, while I had the pleasure of being the “model” meaning I was massaged all weekend. Oh it’s...
by Gemma Dearsley | Feb 26, 2015 | Fund Raising, News
People often ask how they can support us when they don’t have any time, and not always the spare cash to do so! Well here is a way you can help us, and save yourself money on your home or office bills at the same time! Val Adaway, many of you may or may not...
by Gemma Dearsley | Feb 19, 2015 | News
Just a wee introduction and thank you to the amazing team at The Last Hurdle, and mainly Jules White, THE Boss Lady! I’m not sure if many of you know but tirelessly behind the scenes these amazing girls and guys do our marketing, keeping you up-to-date with our...
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