News From TLC
The Utility Warehouse Community Fundraiser
People often ask how they can support us when they don't have any time, and not always the spare cash to do so! Well here is a way you can help us, and save yourself money on your home or office bills at the same time! Val Adaway, many of you may or may not know is...
Marketing Help for The Lighthouse Centre
Just a wee introduction and thank you to the amazing team at The Last Hurdle, and mainly Jules White, THE Boss Lady! I'm not sure if many of you know but tirelessly behind the scenes these amazing girls and guys do our marketing, keeping you up-to-date with our...
Event – Swim Northants – 6th September
We're doing it all over again! We are aiming to 'swim across Northamptonshire' that's 64 miles... Before you get too puzzled as to how we are going to swim through dry land, let me clarify, we (the royal WE) will be swimming the equivalent of crossing the county,...
Dancing with Charities
Dancing with Charities – The New Fred and Ginger of Northampton! As you know, we competed in the Northampton Asda Dancing with Charities, dancing with 10 other couples all of us raising funds for our causes. My partner Hugh Spence is an amazing mover and doesn’t let a...
What is a Hot Stone Massage?
Considering the best treatment or therapy for a patient when they first come to The Lighthouse Centre is essential to ensuring we can help them in the best way possible. One of the treatments we offer is a Hot Stone Massage. This is fantastic if you are looking for a...
Video Testimonial – Harry Chadwick
Sixteen year old Harry Chadwick has been a patient at The Lighthouse Centre since being diagnosed with adult Carcinoma on Boxing Day last year. The cancer, which begins in the tissue that lines the surfaces of the body, means Harry suffers regularly with pain,...
Dancing with Charities
An evening of glitz, glamour and sparkles will be hitting the town within the next couple of months and our very own Gemma is digging out her favourite pair of heels and taking to the dance floor to compete. On Saturday 4th October at 7pm disco balls will be spinning...
The Lottery People’s Millions
We are very proud to announce that we won the lottery people’s millions for Anglia Region West. This will make a huge difference to what we can offer our patients. Please watch this space for more updates. We won £49,967, a huge amount which will have a huge impact!...
Hashrag are Supporting our Charity
Local firm Hashrag are helping us to raise awareness and valuable funds for our amazing charity! Help us to raise our profile on the social networks by wearing our individually designed hashrag! You can easily buy your own online by clicking this link to the Hashrag...