Exciting News; We are a Partner In Travel

We have a some exciting news to share with you……  We have just become a partner in travel with Rosella Bennett from Not Just Travel, which means if you book your holiday through us to her then we receive 25% donation from the company which is amazing, just...

Strictly Towcester 2019

On Saturday evening, 13 couples took to the dance floor at Towcester Leisure Centre for this years Strictly Towcester. Local hero’s joined dancers from local Step By Step School, run by Viv Rhymes. The hero’s had just five weeks to learn two dances each. This years...

Strictly Towcester 2019…… We have begun!!

Well here we are after week 2 of Strictly Towcester 2019 and already the couples are doing amazingly well.  The are learning dances they never thought they would, or could, they are raising amazing amounts of money and most of all they are having an amazing time!!...

Strictly Towcester 2019!!!

So with just 4 days to go until the launch of Strictly Towcester 2019, things are getting very exciting.  Our local heroes have their sponsorship pages in place, they are starting to get sponsorship, sell tickets and get VERY excited about the thought of stepping out...

Strictly Towcester 2019

Well girls and boys the date has been set for Strictly Towcester 2019, it is …….DRUM ROLL………. 25th May 2019! So if you, your Mum, Dad, Aunty, Uncle, Gran, Grandad, friend or neighbour want to get involved then please get in touch with...