News From TLC

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

We all have a responsibility to the communities in which we live and work, to have a social conscience about how our decisions and actions impact others. On an individual level, a desire to help, support and give to our communities, rather than always just taking from...

What is Reiki

What is Reiki

What is Reiki At The Lighthouse Centre, we provide holistic and complementary therapies to patients with life-limiting and long-term illnesses. Our therapies often work in conjunction with a patient’s medical treatments and we become a part of their holistic care...

Patron Wanted

Patron Wanted

Patron Wanted The Lighthouse Centre provides holistic treatments such as Reiki, lymphatic drainage massage, Hopi ear candling, hypnotherapy and counselling to patients with long-term medical conditions or cancers. This supports the patient’s quality of life at a time...

How Your Donation Helps The Lighthouse Centre

How Your Donation Helps The Lighthouse Centre

How Your Donation Helps The Lighthouse Centre The Lighthouse Centre was set up by Gemma Dearsley as part of her own vision for a charity with kindness at the very centre, combined with a wish from a friend who benefitted so much from the holistic treatments she...

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer

In recent articles, we have highlighted both Breast cancer and Prostate cancer. In this article, we aim to provide useful information about Cervical Cancer as well as providing links to further information and support. What is Cervical Cancer Cervical Cancer mainly...

TLC Spring Draw

TLC Spring Draw

Thanks to an injection of funding, we have been able to continue to visit our service users throughout all of the lockdowns, including the dismal one we all endured this Winter, to provide pain relief and comfort through our complementary therapies. Now, Spring has...

A Week In The Life Of A TLC Nurse

A Week In The Life Of A TLC Nurse

A Week In The Life Of A TLC Nurse If you follow our social media posts or read our regular blogs, or if you have met one of our team whilst out networking, you will have a good understanding of what we do here at The Lighthouse Centre. Yes, we provide Holistic...

Fundraising Ideas

Fundraising Ideas

At The Lighthouse Centre we are often asked for fundraising ideas, from those seeking inspiration for fun or unusual ways to raise money for us. Whilst we are in Lockdown with the restrictions that brings, we realise that your creative fundraising juices may not be...

How To Improve Your Wellbeing

How To Improve Your Wellbeing

How To Improve Your Wellbeing January is universally regarded as the month where a lot of us feel a bit blue. Add a global pandemic and a nationwide lockdown and it can be viewed as a forgone conclusion, that, without conscious effort, we are all going to feel rather...