Make a Difference

Make a Difference

As people who know any of us personally and The Lighthouse Centre, I know you’ve heard first-hand how important the work is that we do and the difference it makes to peoples’ lives.   I set up The Lighthouse Centre as part of my own vision for a charity with kindness...
This is Our Why

This is Our Why

People often ask “What is your why?” This is our why! Rachel is a lovely lady, who is in her 40’s, was a very fit active, professional business woman with two daughters and a husband. She used to dance regularly, and took part in strictly St Andrews. She was often...
Events Coming Up

Events Coming Up

Over the upcoming months we have some amazing events we would like to share with you. 11th May 2022 PBC Business Recovery and Insolvency are holding a quiz night for us at Northampton Freemason’s Hall, Lodge Farm. To book a place, purchase a raffle ticket or three, or...
The Stages of Grief

The Stages of Grief

We have all experienced the death of a loved one ,whether that be a Mum, Dad, son, daughter, Grandmother, Grandfather, brother, sister, Aunt, Uncle, cousin, other relative, friend or a fur baby we have all experienced that void we feel when that person is no longer...