This is Angie’s story. Angie has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, on top of two major surgical operations on her spine.

Angies Story

Gemma from The Lighthouse Centre gives her Reiki on her shoulders and hands along with deep massage, especially on her shoulders. Not only is this therapy extremely beneficial, it gives Angie an hour or so of much needed ‘me time’ as well.

Angie says ‘It’s making a vast difference to things that are important to me, like the way I sit in my wheelchair, stance that I’ve got, the quality of speech’.

She highlights that one of the most important aspects of the care provided by The Lighthouse Centre is that her therapy takes place in her home. ‘To get treatment like this, for me to go out is such a manoeuvre, I think the stress of it would counteract any of the treatment you had. You’re in your own home, you’re relaxed and the service is so professional’, she says.

‘If Gemma didn’t come here now, I would feel robbed of this service because it’s absolutely brilliant and it makes me feel like a human being again’.