Well here we are busy preparing for Step by Step’s 20th year anniversary extravaganza Strictly Brackley where it all began!

Andrzej Mialkowski moved to Britain from Poland, where he decided to settle in Brackley. He is a professional ballroom and latin dancer. Fast forward a few years and he became, IDTA qualified, as well as being a qualified adjudicator for various competitions icluding the World Open Championships in Blackpool.

He met with Viv Rhymes, who was a special educational needs teacher (SEN) in Oxford. This is where the now very successful dance school Step by Step was born!

Starting with Andrzej and Viv the school has grown from strength to strength raising over £3 million for charities with their every growing Strictly events.

This year we are lucky enough to be the nominated charity for the 20 year anniversary extravaganza Strictly Brackley!

If you would like to take part in any way, by dancing, by sponsoring, by coming on the night please do get in touch with us, Andrzej or Viv.